Dan Hoyt

Web developer/designer

About me

I'm a fullstack web developer with a background in visual and language arts.

Skill set Web development and user interface programming.
Art asset creation (2D & 3D art, animation, A/V editing).
Documentation, writing, storyboarding.
Conceptual diagrams and interactive experiences.
Science, forensics, and medical learning applications (K-12 and adult ed)
Dev toolkit Javascript, React, Express, Node, Ruby on Rails
MongoDB, Postgres, HTML/CSS, Sass, D3, Canvas
Linux preferred, Windows and Mac as needed.
Asset toolkit Flash/Animate, HTML5 Canvas, Audacity, Blender, GIMP, Inkscape.
Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, XD.
Employers & clients Johns Hopkins University, Rice University, Cornell University
Great Minds, Accelerate Learning, TXU, Ernst & Young, WestEd
Education BA English, Studio Art
University of Texas at Austin, 1999


Connect with me on linkedin for resume and phone contact information.

As of Fall 2020, I'm currently available for hire remote or onsite in the Dallas area.

I can provide a resume in PDF and other formats on request.

My pitch

I bring together projects with lots of moving parts, such as:

  • Dashboards
  • Workflow analysis and automation
  • Data reporting and visualization
  • Role-based authentication
  • Calendar and schedule automation
  • API and microservice programming

I am also a content creator, and frequently stitch together assets I've created into larger projects:

  • Illustration and animation for narratives and instruction
  • Programmatic art for interactives (such as a medical simulation)
  • Instructional writing and design
  • Character dialog and story writing
  • Audio and video

A few common questions

For the benefit of recruiters and employers, whose automated search tools may provide false hits:

  • I see you have some experience with medical learning applications as well as Johns Hopkins University. What is your medical background?
  • I'm a medical layman. I am not associated with Johns Hopkins University's medical school. However, I have worked with content experts (epidemiologists, data scientists, educators, and so on) to build interactive products for learning about infectious diseases, opioid addiction, and other medical conditions.
  • Our products are not very interactive and do not feature artwork or animation, so I'm not sure it's up your alley.
  • That's fine! I avoid superficial design elements and unnecessary interactivity in my applications. I am focused on utility.
  • What are you working on these days? Will it interfere with your availability?
  • I have two work-in-progress applications that are explored at length in the Projects section of my site. They are not generating income (yet), so they can be paused or moved to weekend status as work requires.