Dan Hoyt

Web developer/designer


I'm working on two ongoing projects.


A trustworthy wellness integrator for meal planning and fitness

This project is an integrated meal planning and fitness app built on the rock solid DASH diet. It uses your calendar and messaging system to get you in the saddle and to help you back on when you fall off. It's trustworthy, science-based, and ad-free.

When it's ready for prime time, this product will be available in two tiers: a free version not using messaging systems for desktop and mobile, and a retail version on app stores that uses messaging APIs.

Working title: Parafoundry

Content API for parageographical procedural generation

Parageography is the study of speculative and imaginary places in literature and emergent media. This project is an attempt at soup-to-nuts procedural modeling of parageographical paradigms, from metaphysics and cosmology to language, art and drama.

Although this project can be called a labor of love, the goal is to create a free content API that has sufficient traction to drive funding for future development of related products.