Dan Hoyt

Web developer/designer


A few snapshots with context of previous applications and interactives.

Johns Hopkins University: EDCERT

JHU and the Maryland State Department of Education partnered to administer a program observing early childhood education providers. I co-designed and created a web application called EDCERT to serve the program in several ways: coordinate statewide logistics, provide an endpoint for live field data collection, and serve administrative reporting needs.

The program successfully ran for three cohorts. In 2018 I also created a research-only version with constrained features.

The application is a straightforward Ruby on Rails application with secure authentication and role-driven functionality, AJAX underpinnings for convenient data collection, and a powerful auto-scheduling tool that drove the app's success. By the end of its life, it had collected a myriad of bells and whistles but remained lightweight and secure.

image of EDCERT
Authentication with email confirmation
image of EDCERT
Administrative view of dashboard and nested reporting menu.
image of EDCERT
CRUD functionality (content pages cannot be shown due to data sensitivity)

Rice University: Web Adventures

From 1999 until 2014, Rice's Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning produced dozens of immersive simulations and games for science and medical education. I had the pleasure of building some of these in concert with a team of scientists and educators.

As programmer and designer, I directed contract artists to produce vector assets according to our aesthetic, then assembled, animated, and programmed with ActionScript 2 & 3 in Flash. I primarily created new content in AS3, but we often rebuilt AS2 games midstream with teacher and student feedback.

image of hypothesis segment in MedMyst
Students learn about diseases and the scientific method with virtual experiments in MedMyst.
image of CSI: The Experience segment
Our CSI: The Experience game won an Interactive Media Award in 2009.

Academic publications

Miller, L.M., Chang, C.-I., & Hoyt, D., A Forensics Virtual Apprenticeship for Teaching Science and Inspiring STEM Careers. Science Scope, Vol 33 p42-44.